Who is eligible?

How are students chosen for the internship?

The program recognizes that there is a diversity of trainee experience, interest, and career goals. AIBIDS trainees will be selected based on a holistic review of their academic credentials, letters of recommendation, personal essays, extracurricular activities, and perceived benefit the student will receive from the program. The trainees will rank the two research sites on their application. 

Where is AIBIDS located?

The Internship is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the University of Pittsburgh or at Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. The availability of two sites provides students with a broad range of research and mentoring opportunities. Students will rank the two research sites on their application (see Section Program Participants). Accepted trainees will be matched by the selection committee to a mentor at one of the sites based on research interests and site preference.

Can anyone apply or do you have to be a University of pittsburgh or Gallaudet University student?

Anyone can apply who is an undergraduate student. You do not need to be from the University of Pittsburgh or Gallaudet University to apply. Program participants may be from any University in the United States and territories. 

What is the program schedule and attendance requirements?

Interns are expected to attend all 10 weeks of the program. Exceptions to attendance require prior approval from the leadership.

Is there a cost associated with applying and is there a cost associated with aibids?

There is not a cost to apply!

No. Trainees from outside of the training site locations will receive funds for travel and staying onsite in a residence hall (dorm).  If a trainee lives in near the training site location, then they will not stay in a residence hall nor receive funds for travel. 

What is the stipend and who is eligible for one?

Trainees will receive a stipend of $5,500 (before taxes) for participation in the summer program. 

Trainees who do not live near the training site locations (Pittsburgh or DC) will receive free housing in the dorms plus funds for travelling to and from their homes.

If a trainee lives in or near the training site location, then they will not stay in a residence hall nor receive funds for travel.

Do students reside on campus or commute each day?

Trainees will stay on site in a residence hall unless they live near the training site location. All trainees formally registered in the program will be issued ID badges. Trainees residing in the dormitory will be shuttled daily to and from their respective sites by bus under the supervision of Research mentors. 

what supplies should scholars bring?

Scholars should bring a notebook or binder, pens, and pencils. Textbooks and other assigned reading materials are provided by the program. Laptops are highly suggested but not required.

Is there a dress code?

Generally, dress is informal unless otherwise noted. For off-site field trips as well as the opening and closing receptions, business casual dress is required unless otherwise noted. 

Do students receive any kind of identification?

All trainees will receive, at no charge, ID badges which function as ID and access cards. These badges are temporary and must be returned at the completion of the program. The ID are proximity badges.

Who do I contact with questions?

Please contact Richard Boyce (rdb20@pitt.edu) and Gaurav Arora (gaurav.arora@gallaudet.edu) with any questions. 

Funding for AIBIDS is provide by the National Library of Medicine grant R25 LM014208 Building Accessible and Inclusive Paths for Students in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science.

This is an hypothetical example of the summer schedule. The final schedule is in the works.